We need to renew our efforts so that our discipleship will be a productive one in which our apostolates are fruitful. Not for our own gain or praise, but rather for the increase to the kingdom and the salvation of souls.
When social media is used as a tool to connect with like-minded individuals it works well and there are can be, and often is, a sense of shared ideas and values. It can, however, turn quickly and become a vehicle as an outlet for rage, whether justified or not.
We need moderation. This is key. Great saints did all in moderation. What was said or done was always in relation to God and the Kingdom. What we have today is not an opiate of a substance, but one of a digital world that feeds us freely and has found a way to enslave us as drugs can and do.
Don't give up. Don't let the world fill that empty space. Let God do that. It is God who is the real answer, the healer, the "infiller".
Books, if we choose to read them, permit us to increase our vocabulary, gain better syntax in our language, open new places and people to us. Books use our own imaginative senses to “see” what the author has written. The scenes may be written in such a way we can see clearly as the author intended, or it could be seen in our own way.