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We serve others in all sorts of ways and situations. In our families, parents and older children serve the younger members. At work we are often obliged by our employment to serve others. And in the community we have a plethora of opportunities to serve others as volunteers and members of social organisations.

Serving may help us as much as those who are recipients of this aid. To leave ourselves and our problems is necessary from time to time. And doing good for another will often lift us from self-absorption. It is amazing how our perceptions can change by a simply act of service or act of kindness.

Where and to whom do we help? Jesus said we can’t serve God and the world at the same time. We need to make a choice. And he said he came to serve, not to be served. So what about us? If we take the time to reflect on this we can see that we have opportunities to help and serve others. It is all part of putting treasure in Heaven. “For God is not unjust; he will not overlook your work and the love that you showed for his sake” (Hebrews 6: 10)

It might be worth re-reading the Beatitudes found in the Gospel account of Matthew. If our hands and thoughts are busy serving others, we are less likely to be pointing a finger at the faults of others. Rather we are too busy trying to lift them up. We can see just how much we need to be available for this service for God and humanity. It is up to us to take the opportunities presented to us.

Be generous. Be very generous.



We need each other. Sometimes we prefer to be alone, and need to be alone. But there are times we need others in our lives to be a help and offer love and friendship. We are individuals but we are interconnected. “No man is an island” we hear. And that is indeed true.

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Language has been both a unifying and a dividing point in many counties and societies. People identify profoundly with a language which comes from the nature of cultural identity united to language and at times faith.

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One of the many currents in our world at the moment is minimalism. This is not a “universal” mode of living by choice though, as many people in the world, especially the developing world, are minimalist as a result of economic disparities in the world. For people living in any number of developed economies, there is a trend to simplify and minimise a life that has become over burdened with consumerism and occupation with the acquiring of these objects and the storage of them.

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