To Be Merciful

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To Be Merciful

In an age of individualism, of sometimes singular selfishness, it may be hard to imagine anyone bothering with the Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy. But we can. I wrote previously about Mercy and related something of this particular year which is an Extraordinary Jubilee Year.

Look at the list of each and we can already imagine the places and people we could offer these words to. Perhaps we chide ourselves for not visiting more, offering information on the faith to people we know or simply being merciful to the people around us.

It is too easy to slide into selfish ways. We are given to self-indulgence and the “easy” way. But that isn’t God’s Way. “The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness” said Benedict XVI.

The greatness of God’s plan is in the simple, the ordinary of life where we meet most people in need every day. “Mercy is more than simply being compassionate. Mercy is the overflow of charity, which brings with it also an overflow of justice. Mercy means keeping one’s heart totally alive, throbbing in a way that is both human and divine, with a love that is strong, self-sacrificing and generous” St Josemaria Escriva

There are a multitude of ways to be of genuine help to those around us – and to be loving and kind to all individuals we may meet. Think through all actions and words before acting. And be ready to help; as ready as Mary was to come to the aid of her cousin Elizabeth.

So be merciful. Be virtuous. Be very giving to those around you.


Holy Hope

At Christmas we hear of the coming of the Saviour and therefore the coming of Holy Hope. We celebrate the birth of the Messiah and relive the moments with Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the angels. We hear “Be not afraid…this is good news of great joy to all the people” (Luke 2, 10) This is living hope. Sung by the angels and witnessed by the poor, not the rich. Why then should this be important, this hope? Because after more than 2000 years since his birth we still have poverty and illness, and social ills. We still need that hope coming with the message of the angels.

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Think of all those plans we make day to day. All the people we meet either in person or in social media. How did we come to make those plans? How did we meet those people. Did everything go according to plan? Was someone rude to us? Did we get slandered in social media? How did we react? It is not only our actions but our reactions that decide if we remain in God’s presence.

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We have people living in failed states who don’t have the most basic needs met of a human. Basic education and health care are for the elite and no one else. Perhaps these have a right to be angry and seen on television. But they won’t be seen. The scandal is hidden, there is no voice heard.

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