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If we watch the news broadcasts regularly we may be inclined to see the world in a very negative light. It would appear there are not very many good people in the world; that there are only corrupt politicians. With a steady diet of this type of reporting indeed a negative image is formed in much of the world – of the world.

Think of the images that come to mind when thinking of places like the Middle East, Africa or parts of Asia. All of these are prejudiced by a received knowledge either through society or the media. Our perception is conditioned on this and the formation is learned not innate. There are times of course when there are incidents and these are accurate when properly reported with supporting information and a continued updated report that indicates the current reality. The problem with information reporting today is the constant need for “new” news so the older stories are not reviewed with an update. Have things remained the same? Is the war or famine over?

Just as these perceptions are learned so too hate and prejudice in general. It is up to each of us to confront these issues and to make changes. It begins with each of us. What we replace it with should be love and understanding. If we remove hate and fear we do not, should not, remain neutral but be more inclined to seek an answer before judging anything or anyone.

Love should reign in the world so long filled with rage and war. Love will triumph, but only if we let it.



Books, if we choose to read them, permit us to increase our vocabulary, gain better syntax in our language, open new places and people to us. Books use our own imaginative senses to “see” what the author has written. The scenes may be written in such a way we can see clearly as the author intended, or it could be seen in our own way. 

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Lake of Stars

When David Livingstone travelled through southern Africa in the 1880s he came upon a large lake which he called the Lake of Stars.

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The Good Life or the life that is good?

We tend to think of “the Good Life” in images we have seen of others living a life many would desire. These are frequently scenes of wealthy living, scenes of excess and indulgences beyond the reach of many. Most of these ideas are connected to money which is able to provide for the luxury we might associate with the Good Life.
But what really is the Good Life?

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