We Have Work To Do
We see around us a society and world swirling in circles as it seeks answers to some very fundamental questions about life and existence. It is also not surprising that we observe this while at the same time the reign of the individual eclipses collective ideas of our society; where many of these answers are found. Society and the norms in it, the common beliefs, are all reduced to “me”. The relativist idea has become supreme; the new norm and the standard for the individual who is a singular society now, a society of one, independent of the rest of the individuals making up any other society.
We, therefore, have work to do. To provide the answers to these questions for people of our time we have to become beacons of truth, not just a subjective truth as so many seek, but lights for the Truth that is beyond all that the world could possibly offer. It will take a great deal of inspiration. It will mean strides in learning our faith so it can provide the understanding being sought. It will be a means of our own sanctification as we become like “A city seated on a mountain cannot be hid” (Mt 5: 14) that will not fade out, that will be the beacon of objective truth needed so much in this darkening world. Pope Pius XII offered his “…gratitude to all those who have borne witness to their unshaken and invincible faith in Jesus Christ and in His Church, the pillar and ground of truth (1 Tim 3: 15) …” (Evangelii praecones) And that indeed is where we can seek the truth needed in this world.
The candle in the video section of this web site (www.frbrad.ca/videos) illustrates the same idea in the words of St Francis of Assis. We can and should be lights in our world for those who are seeking the light of truth in their lives. We can, we should seek to illumine the world with that Truth.